Welcome to Miss Grant's class

Welcome to Miss Grant's class
Julie Grant

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Enviro Week

Room 28 had a fantastic time during enviro week learning how to sew.  Each child chose a picture to stitch around and then they ironed it onto a piece of calico.  They then used a needle and cotton to do a running stitch around the picture.  Over the weekend I (Miss Grant) took the pictures home to sew together to create a wall hanging.  We are very proud of our achievements!!!  I wonder where around the school we might find it hanging?

Here are Sonnie, Dynari,
Marnei and Aaron sewing.

Here are Quentin, Krish,
Cameron,Oasis sewing.

Here are Zarabelle
and Kayla sewing.

Here are Lachlan, Evaneah
and Caden sewing.
Here are Ngiculela, Sonnie,
 Evaneah and Lachlan sewing.

Here is the finished product.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

St Patrick's Day

This week we celebrated St Patrick's Day doing activities with Room 1 and Room 2.  We started the day with Jump Jam and which saw lots of children and teachers wearing green.

Here we all are in our Green looking forward to lots of fun activities for the day.

We iced cupcakes and put a rainbow on top for Good Luck.  The children couldn't wait to eat them.  We also wrote about 'I feel lucky when ....'  and put our writing onto a pot of gold.  We also made Shamrock men.  It was a FANTASTIC day!!

Thursday, 12 March 2015


This week was a quieter week.
We begun measurement and also looked at the artist Matisse who draws with scissors. Our artwork will be displayed soon.
Ngiculela is measuring the chair leg.  Cameron and Quentin measured the table.

The pencil is 9 blocks long.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Week 5

Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!!

On Monday it was Dr Seuss's birthday and we celebrated by dressing up and creating our own version of green eggs.

It is letter C week and we iced CUPCAKES!!

Marnei said "they are delicious!!"

week 4

Week 4 was the letter Jj week and we made jelly.  We had lime or orange flavour.
First we tipped the box of jelly chrystals into a bowl and then poured on a cup of boiling water.  We stirred it until the chrystals had dissolved and then poured in a cup of cold water.  Next it was poured into cups to put into the fridge over night for it to set.  The next day we got to it the wobbly jelly.

Jelly in a cup, jelly in a cup.
Wibble, wobble,
wibble, wobble.
Jelly in a cup!

This week we also had the wonderful experience of Whaea Trish teaching us.  She taught us a song in Maori and some Te Reo and told us a story.  We look forward to more learning with Whaea Trish throughout the year.